2. Company and its customers, suppliers and competitors relationship
SMTER company in a fair, respectful attitude toward all people. Although the company attaches great importance to its business and professional relationships, but nothing comparable to the importance of corporate ethics and reputation. Relationships must be reflected in the establishment of honesty, integrity, law-abiding commitment.
Bribery and Improper Payments
SMTER strictly prohibited in any way involved in any illegal or unethical acceptance or payment of money or other benefits, including bribes, kickbacks or other. This provision applies to us with government officials, customers, suppliers, and other relations between the parties, including our behavior and the behavior of a third party, but also to avoid any even seem inappropriate behavior. Thus, in the company's business-related business activities, employees shall not imply, demand, accept or give the value of more than 500 yuan gifts, including an employee or employee's family shall not directly or indirectly accept any existing or potential customers, suppliers, competitors offer gifts, money, consulting fees, loans, travel or any other interests. In entertaining government officials, customers or suppliers, the parent must seek approval standards and controls in the normal range, while accepting the invitation to entertain each other, to superiors and careful response.
Charitable donations and social activities
SMTER company supports charity. Encourage employees to personally participate in community welfare activities, to participate in charitable activities or legitimate social organizations, and their behavior should be exhibited in a reasonable manner conducive to our own and the company. Social activities of employees in the company's employees should not affect the performance of its duties, or cause, and appear to result in a conflict of interest, the company into a quandary.
Select a business partner
SMTER companies in selecting suppliers, vendors and other contracting parties should be based on their qualifications, professional experience and competence and legitimate business practices, any employee must not due to personal relationships, or because of improper business entertainment acceptance affected. Company guarantees follow a lawful business practice to fully discharge their responsibilities.
SMTER company's competitors adopt fair, honest and transparent manner, to compete fully with excellent products and services to the highest professional standards and performance to gain an advantage. Therefore, the company provides products to customers and service-related information should be complete, accurate and true. Company prohibits providing false, intentionally distort competition and other unethical or illegal business practices to acquire the trust of customers.