SMTER Company believes that every employee within the company will strive to "do the right thing" (doing the
right thing), the relationships within a company built on top of that trust and confidence. The company has always been committed
On the establishment of a united team, and let every employee to be treated fairly, with dignity, respect,
Encourage everyone in such an atmosphere for open contacts, exchanges and communication. Respect for human dignity and individuality
SMTER We respect every employee, and the fair and equitable treatment of every employee. Opposed to the kind of personal
Race, religion, gender, age, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, civil status, disability or other protected
Personal characteristics and discrimination. This applies to recruitment, hiring, compensation, benefits, training, termination of employment
Enhance or any other employment or career development matters. Employees should avoid anything that might be considered
To insult, hurt, threaten, or cause full offensive or hostile work environment and environmental behavior
Language or gestures, including any protected personal characteristics slander and teasing. These requirements and standards with
Apply equally to employees and customers, partners and external relationships between companies. We promise: Let
SMTER company every employee has the opportunity to try all the new things, every employee can be sure that in addition to
Their own creativity, initiative and personal value criteria limits, there is no resistance to hinder
Employees or how hard struggle ahead.
Mutual respect
SMTER companies strive to create mutual respect, dedication, dignity, polite, speak fair, employees can play a
The ability of people working atmosphere and environment.
SMTER companies to promote diversity and to promote it as an advantage to the success of the company jointly strive to create not
There harassment and discriminatory environment.
SMTER company encourages open communication, attention to the company point of view put forward different views, and be actively
Pole adoption.
Professional Development
SMTER company encourages employees to study business and professional development, and actively support staff continue to provide appropriate conditions
Continued learning and obtain personal achievement, achieve personal values.
Health and working environment
SMTER company attaches importance to the health and safety of employees, employees in a matter of pride in the work environment authority,
Employees should know that the company has established standard operating procedures and safety precautions. Hope that all members of the company
Both physical and mental health workers, capable of their work, and there is no legal or illegal drug abuse or alcohol abuse.
In the company's premises or in the company's business, employees shall not carry firearms, explosive devices or any combustion